Benefits of Mindfulness on Stress and Digestive Health

Have you ever had a nervous stomach ache before an important meeting, or digestive issues during a season of heightened stress? The brain-gut connection can explain these unpleasant experiences.

When we feel stressed, our body releases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which in turn causes the microbes in our gut to change their behavior. Although some stress is good for the digestive system, chronic stress can negatively impact the cells in your gut- often in the form of bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

Visiting a gastroenterologist and taking prescribed medication can offer temporary relief from digestive issues, however it may fail to address the brain-gut connection.

Stress impacts both our mental and physical health, thus highlighting the importance of addressing both brain, and body in the treatment of chronic stress.

Mindfulness-based therapy can be used as a stress reduction tool by allowing a person to learn and engage in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, guided visualization, and mindful meditation. These techniques help slow down our breath and thoughts, which in turn can decrease stress and anxiety.

Ready to decrease your stress levels and increase digestive health? Take a few minutes throughout your day to engage in deep breathing and awareness of the present moment. Over time, you may experience less stress and a greater sense of overall wellness.


Mary Anne Short, MA