How Severe Can Child Neglect Really Be?

We have known for some time now that the majority of our brain development occurs within the first few years of life. What many people don’t know, however, is just how detrimental neglect can be on a child’s overall brain development.

Back to Cool: Helping Your Teen Transition From Summer To School

Growing up, the marketing slogan that I used to hate was called ‘back to cool,’ as a way to get teens on board with leaving their summer activities to return to school. It’s a tough sell, getting kids and teens back to school from a summer of fun, but there are a few things families can do to help ease the transition.

Is this Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

In fact, almost 80% of new mothers experience some form of “baby blues.” This is a normal emotional reaction beginning a few days to a week after delivery and generally lasting no more than two weeks. However, when your negative feelings take over and become more dominant than feelings of well-being, it is not normal. You may be like one in seven women who experience postpartum depression.

Lessons from Loss: A Personal Story – Part 2 of 2

No one wants to experience the loss of someone whom they love. In fact, for most of us, the idea of losing someone close to us is very anxiety producing. Society often expects only pain and suffering to accompany death-related loss. I am openly sharing some of my personal experiences with you in the final entry of this 2 part series in the hope that I may pass on the lessons I learned from my experience. I also hope that it may bring you a bit of comfort.

Far from loved ones? Tips to stay connected!


Due to college, jobs or relationships, most of us live in a different state or even country than our friends and family. If this is the case, how do we stay connected with one another? Here are a few tips to stay connected.

Lessons from Loss: A Personal Story – Part 1 of 2

No one wants to experience the loss of someone whom they love. In fact, for most of us, the idea of losing someone close to us is very anxiety producing. Society often expects only pain and suffering to accompany death-related loss. How could anything positive come from losing someone you love? Unfortunately, the expectations of suffering and our own fears around discussing death can prevent us from connecting with and helping those who are grieving.