If you are in a committed relationship, you are occasionally going to complain about your partner. Valid complaints help us grow and become better partners. We have to learn to complain in healthy ways. But how do you complain without it resulting in a fight? The key is to soften how … Read More
Five Ways to Maintain Trust in Your Significant Relationships
Because trust is a cornerstone element, it’s important to evaluate and know where you stand with your partner with regard to trust and to intentionally work to strengthen trust.
Common Challenges of Stepfamilies
In her book, “Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t,” Patricia Papernow, EdD, discusses the five common challenges that a stepfamily can face and offers some straightforward guidance to help address them.
Focus on the Home Team
Couples can actually learn a few valuable tricks from their favorite teams. According to marriage researcher, John Gottman, PhD., happy couples have a few things in common: They have friendship and admiration, they have each other’s back, they handle conflict well, and they have a sense of “we-ness”. With these characteristics, they form a pretty strong team that can handle life’s toughest challenges.
Finding the Right Therapist
We’ve put together a list of questions that may be helpful for you to ask as you are considering who to choose as a therapist!
Would We Benefit From Couples Counseling?
Today on the blog, we are discussing red flag indicators that sugggest your relationship might benefit from couples counseling.
What Do Awesome Step-Parenting Moments Look Like?
Here are some best practices to follow in step-parenting and how they can positively impact the family, creating the best moments.
Financial Stress and your Relationship
Finances are one of the top stressors for couples. The financial health of many couples has been negatively impacted this year.
What to Expect in Couples Counseling
Starting counseling can be a daunting experience – especially couples counseling. In fact, most couples put it off until they just can’t take it anymore.
Is Contempt Wrecking Your Relationship?
Contempt happens when we take a stance of superiority over our partner. While contempt can be clearly delivered in a direct verbal message of superiority, it is often delivered non-verbally.