The Change of Season

As we enter into a new season, changes are occurring that may affect us all differently. We can see the change of leaves from green to red, amber, and yellow.  We feel the coolness of the nights and realize that football begins and jackets will normally need to be worn at night. Days are shorter and those that have allergies sense the change that the weather brings in a harsher way for them. From these changes we know that Summer is about over and Fall is with us. Many enjoy these changes and look forward to them. Others look at the changes and wish they weren’t coming. For lots of people the changes bring thoughts of another season of being alone and dealing with feelings of anxiety and depression.


I’ve come to understand that the changes of season can influence individuals mood and behavior. What may be a happy time of year for some, only brings anxiety and depression for others. For my clients with depression I’ve suggested getting out more, preferably in the day time and try to enjoy the changes. To look forward to seeing something different. Taking a drive in the mountains and noticing the Fall leaves can bring a sense of comfort.


Mary Pipher in her book “letters to a young therapist” wrote “when we are in the natural world we slow down. Then, amazing things happen.” That’s what it takes sometimes for people to realize that their world isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Accepting those changes for the good they bring enables people to overcome the sense of foreboding that keeps folks bound to the anxiety and depression. If you’re feeling as though the changes of the season are keeping you from enjoying life GROW counselors are ready and able to talk with you. Why not give us a call?