Experience is a great teacher. We learn though successes, we learn through mistakes, and we even learn from the internet. This summer, we are helping our students learn before their college experience. We have pulled together our experience in working with some of the brightest students, experience from working on college campuses in counseling, student life, disability services, and collegiate teaching to help equip our students as they take on this next phase of their student careers. We have chosen eight, essential topics to having a successful college experience in and out of the classroom.
Today, our topic is Conflict Resolution, Communication and Roommates.
In week 7 of the 8 week course, we will teach you to identify your conflict style, how to successfully communicate your need, and positively resolve conflicts
If you are headed to college, you will experience many changes in your life. One change common to many will be sharing a room for the first time. Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences of college. It can also be one of the most frustrating, if you do not know how to communicate and resolve the inevitable conflicts that are bound to happen when two people share a tiny space. We all know that misunderstandings can trigger strong emotions leading to hurt feelings, anxiety, and distress. Resentments or even the termination of relationship can result if the conflict is not dealt with in a healthy manner.
Our hope is to provide a learning experience that provides tools to strengthen relationship bonds not only in college but throughout life.
We are looking forward to helping you make the most of your time as you head off to college! For more information or to register for The College Experience, click here!
Other parts in this series include:
Time Management
Social Media & Anxiety
Substance Use & Peer Pressure
Choosing Your Major
Reducing Stress
Ann Sheerin, MA