
You remember the hit TV series…right? There was always something going on, whether it was one of their love lives or just everyday occurrences. They always seemed to be there for one another. Admittedly, some of their advice wasn’t always the best, but they were friends, and friends are there for each other no matter what. Troubling times will come for everyone, in one way or another, that much is sure. Will you have friends to rely on when that time comes? Will you be there for someone else when their time comes? In order for a person to have friends, they must be friendly.


What does it mean to be friendly? It doesn’t mean being a doormat for people who call themselves your friend to beat you up with all of their problems. It does mean sharing a kind and encouraging word when asked for it. We never want to wear out our friendships with always giving our advice, especially when it’s not requested. It doesn’t mean being a bank for others to constantly make withdraws. It does mean repaying a loan, when and if it’s ever made. There are boundaries, even to friendships. However, it’s up to those involved in those relationships to create the boundaries and then care enough about one another to adhere to them.