Resilience and Preparing to Bounce Back Better

I highlighted an interesting statistic in my last blog, Resilience and Bouncing Back with Benefits, but I think it is worth restating. Seventy-five percent of those experiencing trauma are resilient, and 25% struggle, begging the question, “What distinguishes those individuals who evidence resilience from those who develop anxiety, depression, or PTSD?

While the full reason for the 75/25% split is not one hundred percent understood, we know that resilience is related to our emotional reserves. Some of us have a natural, higher level of positivity reserves. However, for others with less of a natural reserve, resiliency can be taught and built, even before a trauma happens. 

Here are some activities that you might want to integrate in your life now to hedge off the ill effects of a possible trauma and even bounce back better:

  1. Grow and nurture your support systems. “Connectedness” is potent.
  2. Spark curiosity and wonder. Excitement is powerful.
  3. Articulate your thoughts and emotions either directly to a trusted person or therapist or even through the activity of journaling. Expression and personal narratives are healing.
  4. Accept the things that you cannot change and move forward to what you can change or impact.  Reality wins over expectations.
  5. Celebrate even the small wins of your life. Joy nourishes our souls.
  6. Idea jars…develop your own positivity statements or inspirational quotes.  Pull out one at a time to build up your daily positivity reserve. Intentionally investing in positivity bears much profit. 
  7. Dig into your faith. Belief drives emotions and actions.

One last statement about the merit of building resilience: we can best give to ourselves and others by operating out of our positivity overflow.

Written by: Sheri Schulze

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