Rest: How to do it and strategies to achieve it!

I often have conversations with clients and friends about the idea of rest. As a whole, it seems we are confused. 

I find it interesting that when presented with a few days or even weeks off, anxiety can be brought on by simply the thought of having downtime.

This tells me we don’t know how to rest or how to incorporate rest into our everyday life. Rest can be taking a nap or getting a good night’s sleep, but the rest I am going to focus on in this blog is as Merriam Webster defines: “a peace of mind or spirit” or “to be free from anxiety or disturbance.” 

“Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength…it is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.”

Charles Spurgeon

I’ll never forget when my own counselor told me that rest was “part of my job.” It was my responsibility to figure out what rest is and how to begin working from a place of rest versus counting down to rest. 

Below are a couple of strategies toward how to rest. The key to each of these activities is to find the balance within yourself to enjoy, relaxing into the activity without striving or performing.

  1. Writing
  2. Working out or walking
  3. Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea in a mug
  4. Reading
  5. Learning something new 
  6. Spending time with friends
  7. Cooking
  8. Enjoying any activity without being rushed from place to place 
  9. Unplugging from phones or media 
  10. Asking and doing: What other activities are restful for you? 

Written by: Kim DeRamus Lareau