We hear the term ADHD all the time but don’t necessarily know much about it. Here’s some basic information to help you have a better understanding and maybe even determine if your child or someone you know should be evaluated.
Back to School Stress for Students with Disabilities
Going back to school can be additionally stressful for students with disabilities. Here are some tips for helping your student transition well.
College Bound: Coping with Separation Anxiety
You’ve probably done quite a bit to prepare your kid for college. But have you considered separation anxiety? Chances are you’ll both experience it.
Managing the Back to School Blues
Back to school can be a difficult time of transition for both parents and kids. Here are some ideas for helping your kids (and yourself) through this time.
New School Year; New Routines
With the start of a new school year comes new routines. Here are some tips for implementing those routines well… with less stress for you and your kids.
The Growing Parent: Daily Report
“I work long hours everyday, and even though my children are homeschooled, I feel like I have no clue how they are doing. I just always assumed that by making the choice for our family to homeschool I would be much more involved in their lives…”
College Tips: Guys to Guys – Part 2
This is a continuing series. Check out our first post! Going off to college forces a lot of change. No longer are you under your parent’s roof, rules, or values. Responsibility of going to class, work, and sleeping all fall upon YOU. Here are some practical tips for the newly … Read More
College Tips: Guys to Guys – Part 1
Going off to college forces a lot of change. No longer are you under your parent’s roof, rules, or values. Responsibility of going to class, work, and sleeping all fall upon YOU. Here are some practical tips for the newly responsible men. Remember to bathe… daily. Hygiene goes a long … Read More
College Tips: Girls to Girls – Part 2
(This article is a continuation….read part 1 HERE) A few nights ago, some of my friends and I were reflecting on those wonder years of college. We realized there was wealth of knowledge we gained along the way. It’s probably not what you are thinking though. Of course we learned … Read More
College Tips: Girls to Girls – Part 1
A few nights ago, some of my friends and I were reflecting on those wonder years of college. We realized there was wealth of knowledge we gained along the way. It’s probably not what you are thinking though. Of course we learned about the War of 1812, Euclidian geometry, and … Read More