Teaching yourself to relax amidst the various stressors in life is a skill worth investing both the time and energy. We might think we are relaxing when we are actually holding onto tension.
Just Breathe
The next time you are feeling the demands of life weighing heavy, try slowing down your life to the pace of one deep breath.
4 Techniques to Combat Anxiety
Anxiety can be overwhelming and feel as though it has taken over your life. Training your body and brain to relax is not an easy process, but with the help of supportive family, a counselor, and close friends you can learn to challenge illogical thought processes, relax physically, and start to overcome your anxiety.
Anger Danger
“To recognize that my upsets come from myself is the first step to remedying them.” — Anthony De Mello Anger is a powerful emotion that can often lead to undesirable behaviors and regretful interactions. Like many of our emotions, they tend to arise uninvited and take over our headspace. Oftentimes, … Read More
Teaching Your Kids Belly Breathing
Belly breathing involves breathing in deeply through the nose and breathing out through the mouth so the lungs fill with air and the diaphragm contracts.
The Power of Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breathing with our diaphragm rather than our chest can encourage deeper breathing which can result in lower blood pressure, reduced heart rate, and decreased stress.