We’ve put together a list of questions that may be helpful for you to ask as you are considering who to choose as a therapist!
Grief is like glitter.
You never know when grief is going to show up, sometimes in the most unexpected places, at the most unexpected time, and in the most unexpected ways.
Do I Have a Problem with Substance Abuse?
“Substance abuse” refers to any problem with substances and includes substance abuse or substance dependence.
When to Seek a Counselor
While reasons for seeking a counselor can vary, today we are discussing four of the most common reasons to seek therapy.
Decision Making Guide
Once you’ve identified the type of decision you have to make, the next step is to actually make the decision.
What to do when you and your partner are complete opposites?
On National Opposites Day, we are asking the question, “What to do when you and your partner are complete opposites?”.
An Honest Look in 2021
Striving to be honest with self and then activate the accompanying steps may bear personal growth and achievement than resolutions.
A Lesson In The Art Of Complaining
One common complaint is when an issue comes up, and the complaining becomes about all the other mistakes and hurts that you have caused.
Trauma & EMDR – Part 8
When it comes to resolving trauma, for many people, EMDR is one of the strongest options for therapeutic treatment.
Exercise Isn’t Therapy
The emphasis on utilizing exercise as an alternative to counseling can be problematic, as it is not actual professional therapy.