Cultivating Gratitude in Your Kids

Many parents today face a struggle in how to help their children develop a true sense of gratitude. Not just around the holidays, but throughout the rest of the year as well. One of the biggest ways to help your kids be grateful is to model gratitude yourself in your everyday life.

Choosing Gratitude


While there is significant value in an intentional apology when we have wronged someone, these passing apologies often come from our own feelings of discomfort. What would happen if we began replacing our everyday apologies with gratitude?

The Power of Gratitude


Gratitude and appreciation can be healing and increase your overall happiness. Research by psychologists recently has found that intentionally incorporating thankfulness into your life causes an improvement in mood and well-being. It’s a shift in the way you see things, and changes you from a glass half empty to a glass half full person. It sounds overly simplistic, but it really works.

Foundations for Friendship

friendship, friends

Life is filled with ups and downs. The more emotional a situation is, the more complicated and thorny can be the decision process one engages to rightly decide which avenue to venture. A strong foundation of friendship is imperative before offering advice or asking for it.

Kindness & Honesty

When we combine honesty and kindness, we can develop a more empathetic understanding of others and have healthier relationships because we would have a more authentic and deeper connection.

Traits of Trustworthy People

It’s true that we accept a degree of risk when we choose to trust someone. But, it doesn’t mean that choosing to trust someone it’s a shot in the dark. Here are a few traits of trustworthy people.

Anatomy of Trust


Often, we hear about building and restoring trust. Have you ever thought to yourself, “That sounds easy enough, but how does trust work?”

Safe People to Trust

Safe people connect with us in a way that is authentic and present, giving us the abilty to establish trust in the relationship and person.

Masquerading Substitutes of Trust

It’s hard enough to address the challenges we recognize. How can we hope to overcome challenges of trust that hide in plain sight?