Coping Skills vs Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are unconscious responses to overwhelming stress in our lives. Although they serve an important purpose, if left unchecked, protective instincts from defense mechanisms can inhibit the development of healthier coping skills. We are going to dive into two common defense mechanisms: denial and regression. Denial One of our … Read More

Codependency (Part 1)

Let’s explore together what it looks like to create healthy habits in the way we interact with others and ourselves. 

Trust, Part 3: Safe People

Safe people connect with us in a way that is authentic and present, giving us the abilty to establish trust in the relationship and person.

When Your Loved One Has OCD

OCD does not have to control your loved one or your family forever. There are plenty of people who can help you get through this season of life.


When you understand why forgiveness is important, how to do it becomes a bit easier. Forgiveness is about you choosing to move forward.

Ease the Back to School Butterflies


As summer comes to an end, you may notice your kids asking more questions about going back to school. The start of a new school year may also bring on a case of butterflies about all the upcoming changes. Kids may feel worried about having a new teacher, finding friends … Read More