The Top Five Pre-Marriage Conversations to Have With Your Partner

Getting married and saying “I do” is a huge and wonderful milestone for future brides and grooms. It can be easy for couples to get swept along in the romance of wedding planning and forget to make sure they are taking steps for their relationship to become a happy marriage. Just having those feelings of love or “being in love” will not guarantee a healthy or fulfilling marriage. There are 5 pre-marriage conversations you should be having!

Building a Better Brain: Start with Exercise

On Friday, I introduced you to a new concept: research is finding that we can not only “cope” with mental illness but that we can actually do things to build a better brain! Let’s start exploring what exactly we can do to make that happen. It turns out that exercise is not only good for your body but also great for your brain!

Building a Better Brain

Therapy is a critical element in experiencing change. But we also believe that what our clients do with their time outside of therapy will either assist with or distract from their goals. In fact, studies are showing us that certain things we do and specific changes we make can literally change the “wiring” and composition of the brain.

For The Moments When Life Disappoints

Life is definitely not fair. This is a well-known fact. You probably heard an adult tell you this when you were a kid. Things very often do not turn out the way we planned or hoped. Often times, we must develop an alternate plan or goals for ourselves.

The Benefits of a Relationship Check-Up

Typically a “check-up” is considered to be a medical evaluation to examine the status of one’s physical health. Many individuals have an annual check-up scheduled on their calendars as a routine method of prevention or awareness of health concerns. A relationship check-up can be viewed in a very similar way.

New Year’s Resolution: Two Steps Forward or One Step Back?

January is almost half over. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like most people, you’re probably feeling like you took two steps forward and one step back. You decided to make positive changes in the New Year and within a few days or even hours, you slip up and revert to your old way of doing things.

A Chart Can’t Determine Your Ideal Weight

Look at any height and weight chart and more than likely, you will find yourself outside of the “ideal” weight. It is not like a bell curve at all – there is such a tiny section of ideal weight.

A Healthy Weight is Your Ideal Weight

Many women think about their ideal weight as the lowest number they have achieved in their dieting instead of choosing a healthy weight based on reality. The trouble with this thinking is that if your weight-loss goal is too low to maintain, you are likely going to get caught in the cycle of what is known as yo-yo dieting.

Take Care of Yourself This Year

The New Year is a good time to think about how you will take care of yourself in 2016. We may be into February, but there’s still time to think about and make changes to how you’ll live this year.

Friends and Connectedness: How Do I Find a BFF???

“I don’t seem to have any close friends and I’m lonely.”

I seem to hear this a lot from other women, and I’ve felt this way myself. As I have gone through various stages of my life, I’ve noticed that my friendships change: when I moved, when I changed jobs, when I went back to graduate school to change careers, and especially when my marital status changed.