Joy In The Mundane

There are moments of joy to be found even in mundane activities. If you so choose, you could make it a mission to detect the joy in even the most mundane of tasks.

Organize Your Life, Find Your Joy?

Organize Your Life, Find Your Joy

Does It Bring You Joy? Why have we become so obsessed with organization? “Who hasn’t heard about Marie Kondo?” my friend asked. Well, I was embarrassed to say I hadn’t. But after doing a quick Google search and another on YouTube, I began to understand the popularity of this movement. … Read More

How to Make Stress Your Friend – Part 2

In the second part of this blog series, we are going to discover the positive side effects that occur by having confidence in your body’s ability to handle stress. Harvard University conducted a study where participants were told before going through a social stress test about the possible signs that their body … Read More