Kindness & Honesty

When we combine honesty and kindness, we can develop a more empathetic understanding of others and have healthier relationships because we would have a more authentic and deeper connection.

Practicing Self-Compassion

compassion, self-compassion

Next time you notice your inner critic, try to practice self-compassion and then take time to reflect on how it makes you feel!

Self-Care: Am I Just Being Selfish?

Self-care begins with taking care of your basic needs including eating, sleeping, bathing, and medical needs.

Self-care also includes activities to help you relax and de-stress. It is also maintaining relationships and finding balance between work life and personal life. Failure to attend to these needs could result in exhaustion, burnout, illness, and even possible hospitalization.

4 Techniques to Combat Anxiety

Anxiety can be overwhelming and feel as though it has taken over your life. Training your body and brain to relax is not an easy process, but with the help of supportive family, a counselor, and close friends you can learn to challenge illogical thought processes, relax physically, and start to overcome your anxiety.

Practicing Self-Compassion

Next time you notice your inner critic, try to practice self-compassion and then take time to reflect on how it makes you feel!

Ease the Back to School Butterflies


As summer comes to an end, you may notice your kids asking more questions about going back to school. The start of a new school year may also bring on a case of butterflies about all the upcoming changes. Kids may feel worried about having a new teacher, finding friends … Read More