If your kids can see you and your spouse manage conflict in a positive and healthy way, you will be teaching them valuable lessons about relationships.
Why Do I Keep Falling for a Narcissist at First Sight?
Do you fall for a narcissist at first sight? If so, here is some helpful info on WHY that might be happening.
Three Ways to Engage Others in Conversation
Learn some tips on how to engage your kids, your significant other, or your friends, in a meaningful conversation about their day!
Surviving Isolation with Your Partner
Couples are spending more time together in this time of isolation than ever before. For some, the additional time may be met with delight and lead to stronger connection. However for most, the constant togetherness (mixed with anxiety) may lead to frustration, irritability, or highlight the disconnection between partners. We would … Read More
Ease the Back to School Butterflies
As summer comes to an end, you may notice your kids asking more questions about going back to school. The start of a new school year may also bring on a case of butterflies about all the upcoming changes. Kids may feel worried about having a new teacher, finding friends … Read More
Valentine’s Day: A couples approach to navigating sex.
Valentine’s Day is upon us, once again. As we approach a day that is supposed to be about love, affirmation, and connection, couples can overthink the idea of Valentine’s Day. We can get caught up in the idea of a romantic dinner that is going to cost a few hundred … Read More
Strengthening Your Stepfamily: Part 6
From the onset, a stepfamily has several moving parts that a first family doesn’t encounter. For the children in a stepfamily, it is an overwhelming amount of change and can feel destabilizing. Studies have shown that that the most disrupting factor for children is not divorce, but exposure to parental … Read More
Strengthening Your Stepfamily: Part 5
Every family has it’s own unique culture. Family cultures include a set of belief systems that include aspects such as: how to spend money, how to spend time, what acceptable behaviors are and family traditions and rituals. When a stepfamily unites, they face the challenge of merging these cultures (Papernow, … Read More
Conflict in Marriage: Two Kinds
Conflict in marriage is what brings many couples into counseling. With two unique individuals coming together, values, opinions, and personality traits are bound to collide. According to John Gottman, a leading research scientist on marriage and family, all marital conflicts fall into one of two categories: either they can be … Read More
Relationship: The One Thing You Need for a Happier Life
It’s not wealth, fame or even success in your career. According to this Washington Post article, Harvard researchers have found that the key to the happy life is…relationship. The 75-year-old Grant Study is the oldest of its kind. It has followed the lives of men from Harvard University and Boston … Read More