Coping Skills vs Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are unconscious responses to overwhelming stress in our lives. Although they serve an important purpose, if left unchecked, protective instincts from defense mechanisms can inhibit the development of healthier coping skills. We are going to dive into two common defense mechanisms: denial and regression. Denial One of our … Read More

Toxic Masculinity

When it comes to toxic masculinity, the most courageous step we can take is speaking up — whether that means saying how we feel, apologizing for a behavior, or even asking someone for help.

Understanding Emotions and Masculinity – Part Two

Discussing toxic masculinity is not saying men are bad or evil, and the term is NOT an assertion that men are naturally violent. Instead, the conversation is about how toxic masculinity takes away something from men.

How to be a Man: Messages on Masculinity – Part 8

Having freedom outside rigid definitions of masculinity is not about turning boys into girls. It is about shaping a culture of empathy; giving boys permission to develop all emotions, deal with their own pain, encouraging good media messages, and encouraging boys and young men to redefine what is masculine.

Michael Phelps and How Therapy Can Make a Difference

We often believe, “If I had their life (a person more successful, with a bigger paycheck, etc…) I would be so happy!” Can you imagine a “better life” than being the most decorated Olympic athlete in history? That is the life Michael Phelps was living, but after two Olympics and … Read More

How’s Your Emotional Hygiene?

Have you ever stopped to consider that many people spend more time taking care of their physical health than their psychological health? Ignoring psychological injuries (failure, rejection, loneliness) can worsen just as much as ignoring a recurring migraine or strained muscle. In his TED Talk, “Why We All Need to … Read More

Relationship: The One Thing You Need for a Happier Life


It’s not wealth, fame or even success in your career. According to this Washington Post article, Harvard researchers have found that the key to the happy life is…relationship. The 75-year-old Grant Study is the oldest of its kind. It has followed the lives of men from Harvard University and Boston … Read More

The Beauty in Consistency


We as humans are drawn to predictable patterns and people. We like to be able to understand our world, and categorize things into neat little boxes in our minds. It helps us to relax and feel safe when we feel like we know what is coming and how we need … Read More

Courage: From Bruce Wayne to John Wayne


What do you think of when you think of courage? I used to think about the main characters in my favorite stories as a kid; Jackie Robinson, Doc Holliday (the Val Kilmer version) and Batman. To 7-year old me, these guys seemed absolutely fearless, and that’s what courage meant to … Read More