Ultimately, during times of uncertainty when our normal becomes disrupted, we have two choices: we can resist change or embrace it.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Naming a feeling is a very helpful tool in the counseling world. A simple question around the picture can put words and clarity to abstract attitudes and emotions one might be experiencing in these uncertain times.
Life After College Graduation – Part 1
After graduation, have you found yourself struggling with what type of job or career you would like to pursue?
Happy Memorial Day – Remember + Honor
We remember and honor the bravery and sacrifice of so many on this Memorial Day.
Acceptance & Commitment During Uncertainty
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is one type of therapy that is particularly pertinent during the current stage of uncertainty the world is experiencing.
Three Ways to Engage Others in Conversation
Learn some tips on how to engage your kids, your significant other, or your friends, in a meaningful conversation about their day!
Being Heard in An Authentic Voice in Your Relationships
In relationships, most of us want to be heard and to be fully known. Here are seven key points about what an authentic voice looks like in a relationship.
Coping with Change
Change can be really hard to accept, especially when we don’t have any choice in the matter. Nothing in recent history has made that as clear as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few tips to make the change feel easier!
5 Ways to Practice Patience as a Parent
In order to teach children how to manage difficult emotions, parents must first learn how to exercise patience and keep their own lid from flipping.