The Upside to Laziness

If you need justification to embrace laziness, know that by caring for yourself and resting, you are actually becoming more productive!

Getting the Sleep You Deserve

Choosing to prioritize your sleep is vital to your health, especially in a culture that overemphasizes the value of work.

Be Your Own Best Friend

The next time you’re struggling with an issue and feeling really low, try speaking to yourself the same way you would speak to your best friend.

Stress, Self-Care & Your Kids

Practicing self care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors.

How to Have a Bikini Ready Body

Health and beauty exist at every size. No matter what size you are, how old you are, or how many kids you’ve had, you have a body worth celebrating and your body is bikini ready!

5 Ways to Integrate Silence Into Your Daily Routine

Integrate Silence Into Your Daily Routine

The hustle and bustle of our everyday world does not allow for much silence. Whether we are engaged in a conversation, listening to the radio or watching television, or hearing the hum of background noise in a crowded place, it is rare for us to find time in our day … Read More