Music and Influence: “Boomerang” by Jojo Siwa


It can be difficult to find positive messages and role models for kids today. They’re bombarded by social media and celebrities, so it is refreshing to find someone in their peer group creating catchy music and videos that also send a message of inclusion, acceptance, and self-confidence. Check out the … Read More

The Power of Play


Kids look like small adults. At times, they may even sound like mini grownups–especially when they get a little sassy or parrot back a parents’ own words to them. External resemblance aside, kids process things much differently from adults. Kids’ brains haven’t matured to the same place that an adult … Read More

What exactly is adolescence?


For many parents, understanding a bit about their teenager’s brain development can be helpful in navigating the sometimes difficult adolescent years. But first, what exactly are the adolescent years? What does the term “adolescence” even mean? Researchers and scientists have had a pretty difficult time coming to a consensus definition. … Read More

Setting Boundaries in the Teen years

setting boundaries with teens

Parenting can be incredibly challenging! Each stage of a child’s development brings its own unique joys and difficulties, especially when it comes to setting boundaries. The teenage years, in particular, can be testing, as adolescents experiment with different identities and embrace new freedoms, while parents must adjust to their child … Read More

Teaching Children to Play with Context and Purpose


Bob Clagett focuses on creating context and purpose for your children as they play in his TEDx Talk in the Creative Coast 2013. Bob Clagett is a maker. He likes to make stuff—so much so, that his website is Clagett use the label “stuff” because his interests cover a wide range: music, MDF, personal records in marathons, restoring vintage Vespas, user interface, computers, and children. He is a maker from the moment he wakes up to the moment he closes his eyes.

Postpartum Anxiety: The Hidden Disorder

Most people have heard of postpartum depression, a common illness that affects about 15% of new mothers. This isn’t the only mood disorder women can experience after giving birth, though. According to Postpartum Support International, about 10% of new moms have postpartum anxiety and about 5% struggle with postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Six Signs that Your Child May Need to See a Therapist

All children face obstacles as they grow up. They experience stress, guilt, grief, social challenges and other difficulties. People used to think that children do not experience these normal aspects of life in the same way as adults. However new research is showing that these stressors impact children in a similar way that these stressors impact adults. Children can react with anxiety, depression and high levels of stress just like adults do.

Caring for Someone with a Mood Disorder: How NOT to Go Crazy

Whether you have just found out or have known for several years, living with and loving someone who has mood disorder is difficult even in the best situation. In the course of any given day, you can feel hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed, confused, hurt, angry, frustrated, and/or resentful. If not dealt with, these feelings can lead to guilt, shame, sadness, exhaustion, fear, and isolation. Know that there isn’t a right or wrong way to feel. Learning how to handle negative emotions is what is most important.

Maintaining Family Traditions With Your College Student

Maintaining and growing new family traditions with children who are entering college can be a challenging situation for any family. College students are in the process of building their own lives and schedules and may not be able to as fully participate in family traditions as they have in the past.