Recognizing Signs of Self-Harm

If you suspect a loved one of self-harm, here are possible warning signs to look for and encouraging steps you can take to help.

Break Your Silence on Mental Health

Confronting Mental Illness

Mental health issues continue to be stigmatized and silenced among many communities. Because of this, many individuals suffer in silence and don’t get the necessary treatment to manage their disorder. In a riveting discussion on The Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith and Kid Cudi break their silence about mental … Read More

Suicide Prevention is Not Hopeless

National Suicide Prevention Week

There is a growing level of awareness around suicide in our society. It is a frequent topic in the news, as well as in schools. Increased awareness means that more people are speaking up about their struggles, and there is more support than ever for people who are hurting, however, for … Read More

Suicide Myths That Every Educator And Parent Should Know


Suicide in America is not age-specific. Sadly, teen suicide has become an American epidemic though. Adults are no longer the only ones that experience mental health issues, millions of children in our country struggle with mental illness. One of the biggest challenges that face schools, parents, and medical professionals in … Read More

Depression in Women – Part 2

Every woman gets “down” occasionally. But if your blue mood is lasting longer than a few days or is very intense, you might be dealing with depression. Depression is not a “normal” part of being a woman. Here are the common symptoms of depression: Feeling sad or empty Feeling hopeless, … Read More

Depression in Women – Part 1

Every woman gets “down” occasionally. But if your blue mood is lasting longer than a few days or is very intense, you might be dealing with depression. Depression is not a “normal” part of being a woman. It’s not a “normal” part of your monthly cycle, or menopause, or aging, … Read More

Childhood Emotional Neglect

Did you have a normal childhood with good parents, yet still feel unhappy or unsatisfied with your life? Maybe you suffer from depression, anxiety, or anger management problems and don’t have any idea why, because you experienced absolutely no abuse or trauma in your childhood. Are you married with beautiful … Read More

Is Your Teen at Risk for Attempting Suicide

couple in an abusive relationship

It’s the thought no parent wants to even consider, “Is my child at risk for attempting suicide?” The suicide rate for teenagers has quadrupled since the 60’s. Each day in our country, over 5000 attempts are made by young people in grades 7 – 12. Of those who attempted, research shows 4 out of 5 gave clear warning signs they were in distress. So, while it is an unbearable thought, the more you know, the better you will be able to intervene if your child is at risk.

How to talk to your teen about suicide

One national study found that almost 20% of high school students admitted to thinking about suicide. If your teen isn’t thinking about it, chances are they have a friend or classmate that is. You may be afraid if you talk about suicide, you’ll make the thoughts more real and the suicide more likely to happen. The truth is talking about suicide doesn’t increase the risk, but offers your teen a safe place to explore feelings, ask questions, and get help.