Resolutions: Can They Stick?

According to Forbes, over 50 percent of Americans make resolutions for New Years. However, the research shows that approximately 8 percent of American actually achieve these goals. Here are several helpful suggestions that will support success in achieving these goals. It’s a process. It was a process for you to … Read More

Eating During the Holidays

woman holding a pastry and coffee

When I think about the holidays, I immediately envision family and food. While some may look forward to spending time surrounded by family and feasting, others can dread this time of year.  The holidays can be a trigger time for those suffering from an eating disorder. In fact, in January, … Read More

No Ordinary Connection


I can still remember my mother saying the words, “Think of a way to stand out,” while I was writing my college essays. Most of us think that we need to stand out to be recognized. Academics, coaches, music teachers, etc… all teach us the art of perfection. I recently … Read More