Personal identity is a tricky thing. We are always growing, always changing individuals. Just as soon as you think you’ve got yourself all figured out, a new situation or life stage begins and you have to get to know yourself all over again. Our identities are often difficult to pin … Read More
Practicing Gratitude in Your Family
As the holidays season continues, one of the greatest gifts you can give your family is to strategically develop their sense of gratitude. Rather than having the focus be on presents or parties, you have an opportunity to help them turn their attention to others and to cultivate a sense of gratitude.
Gratitude is Good for Your Health
This always makes me think about how gratitude shows up in my everyday life. When I am really serious about being grateful the things that come up are my family, my health, and the connections I have. So, why do I spend so much of my time focused on other things?
Cultivating Gratitude in Your Kids
Many parents today face a struggle in how to help their children develop a true sense of gratitude. Not just around the holidays, but throughout the rest of the year as well. One of the biggest ways to help your kids be grateful is to model gratitude yourself in your everyday life.
The Art of Comfort
Responding to another person’s grief can be incredibly difficult, not because we don’t care, but because we simply don’t know what to do. We can’t fix the situation, but we can be a presence that conveys care and comfort to those dealing with grief.
How to Be Kind and Firm as a Parent
Finding the right balance between being both kind and firm at the same time can be helpful for the parent and child.
Why THIS Therapist Sees a Therapist
My therapist holds my story and provides me a nonjudgmental space to process my own stuff. Therapy helps me to be my best self.
Stress, Self-Care & Your Kids
Practicing self care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors.
A Parenting Manifesto
Brene Brown encourages every parent to create their own parenting manifesto in their household.
Ease the Back to School Butterflies
As summer comes to an end, you may notice your kids asking more questions about going back to school. The start of a new school year may also bring on a case of butterflies about all the upcoming changes. Kids may feel worried about having a new teacher, finding friends … Read More