Ryan Austin
Peachtree City
Specializations - IFS Trained, Trauma, Addiction & Substance Use, LGBTQ+, Young Adults and Middle Aged Individuals, Identity Crisis and Exploration

Ryan received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Georgia and his Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a specialization in Addictions, from the University of North Georgia. Additionally, Ryan is a Level One Internal Family Systems (IFS) trained therapist.

Ryan creates a safe and collaborative counseling environment by using the non-judgemental and compassionate IFS principles to help people of all walks of life. These principles focus on identifying where clients need recognition, understanding, and appreciation. Clients report that this work allows them to better understand themselves from a perspective that they’ve never had before. Helping clients feel known and accepted is fundamental to Ryan’s approach and an essential element of creating the safety that helps clients unburden themselves from damaging beliefs and heal from past trauma.

Ryan works with a wide variety of client concerns; his primary areas of expertise include:

  • Ages 19+

  • Gender and Identity Concerns

  • Survivors of trauma

  • Individuals in recovery or in active substance use

  • Loved ones of those struggling with addiction

  • Adults raised with complex family dynamics

  • Minority populations (e.g. People of Color, LGBTQ+ community)

Ryan Austin is under the Supervision of Chelsey Beauchamp, LPC.