“You’d be pretty if…”

I found this blog interesting: a somewhat personal account mixed with raising awareness of a new term – body-snarking. Accoring to the author, body-snarking is the act of appraising someone elses body, then commenting negatively about it via a different outlet, such as the internet or social networking sites. I think we’ve all noticed the destruction social networking sites can cause for adolescents in middle and high school. It breaks my heart to hear about the “mean girl” instances that occur on Facebook. Fortunately, social networks weren’t around when I was going through middle and high school. However, that didn’t stop “friends” making cruel and judgemental comments…to my face.


The article (posted below) helps remind us how crucial it is for us to teaching and demonstrate healthy body image and acceptance to our daughters, younger sisters, nieces, etc.
See blog here:


Cara Engle, LAPC