As our culture continues to fight the stigma of mental illness, a number of authors in young adult fiction have begun to address the subject through stories of teen characters living with mental health issues.
Check out the booklist of titles that address mental health topics rounded up by Riveted, an online community for young adult fiction.
The selected titles cover a wide array of mental health issues, ranging from anxiety to obsessive-compulsive disorder to schizophrenia.
The titles include:
Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
Letting Go of Gravity by Meg Leder
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitzk
Life Inside My Mind edited by Jessica Burkhart
Other Broken Things by C. Desir
The Place Between Breaths by An Na
Fig by Sarah Elizabeth Schantz
All That I Can Fix by Crystal Chan
What I Leave Behind by Alison McGee
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
100 Days of Cake by Shari Goldhagen
Obsessed by Allison Britz
OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu
Crazy by Amy Reed
Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Michelle Rathburn, LAMFT