Masquerading Substitutes of Trust

It’s hard enough to address the challenges we recognize. How can we hope to overcome challenges of trust that hide in plain sight?

Anger Danger

“To recognize that my upsets come from myself is the first step to remedying them.” — Anthony De Mello Anger is a powerful emotion that can often lead to undesirable behaviors and regretful interactions. Like many of our emotions, they tend to arise uninvited and take over our headspace. Oftentimes, … Read More

What is your anger telling you?

Anger can feel protective, but it’s usually a sign of deeper emotions like sadness, hurt, and shame. Lashing out can be destructive.

Recognizing Signs of Self-Harm

If you suspect a loved one of self-harm, here are possible warning signs to look for and encouraging steps you can take to help.

Marriage Love Styles and How to Demystify Them


Over the last several blog posts I discussed how early experiences imprint intimacy patterns and influence the quality of our relationships. This is particularly so in marriage. Milan and Kay Yerkovich refer to these intimacy imprints as love styles, which impact how we receive and give love. The idea is … Read More

Trust: Part 2 – Masquerading Substitutes


In a previous blog, I discussed impediments to trust. One of the greatest impediments to developing trust is that we are often unaware that we are struggling with issues of it. We become so adept at co-opting other behaviors into service, backfilling our deficits with less risky options, that it’s difficult … Read More