Courage: From Bruce Wayne to John Wayne


What do you think of when you think of courage? I used to think about the main characters in my favorite stories as a kid; Jackie Robinson, Doc Holliday (the Val Kilmer version) and Batman. To 7-year old me, these guys seemed absolutely fearless, and that’s what courage meant to … Read More

Vulnerability Takes Courage


“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” ~ Brene Brown Most people associate the idea of vulnerability with weakness.They want to avoid being vulnerable in any capacity so they are not taken advantage of or hurt. The need to … Read More

The Gift of Failure


Parenthood sparks a powerful, instinctive drive to protect. But, in reality, we do our kids a disservice when we do not allow them the space and opportunity to make decisions with the potential outcome of failure. Like Clark Kent, we are transformed from mild-mannered, everyday people into Authority Figures, Responsible Parties…Tooth … Read More