Next time you notice your child experiencing a big emotion, practice these five calming techniques with them!
A Meditation for Self Love
Reading through and meditation on Dr. Hillary McBride’s meditation may bring you peace and a little more self-love today!
What is your anger telling you?
Anger can feel protective, but it’s usually a sign of deeper emotions like sadness, hurt, and shame. Lashing out can be destructive.
What happens when you flip your lid?
What happens in your brain when you flip your lid? When powerful emotions take over, you lose the ability to reason and respond effectively.
Learning to Sit with Negative Emotions
The practice of working through negative emotions will help us trust that we have the space and capacity to deal with our emotions effectively.
Thermostat Parenting and Self-Regulation
A caregiver acts as the thermostat by providing structure and routine, attunement, consistent responses, and by practicing their own affect management.
Reacting vs. Responding
Understanding the difference between reacting and responding can be an extremely helpful skill for both parents and children.