Coping with Challenges

We all have to cope at some point in our lives. When things are hard and challenging, we need to be able to respond in a way that is healthy and positive. Here are nine things you can do to respond to the challenges of life. When Should I Seek … Read More

Increasing Positive Interactions in Your Relationships

Do you keep score in your relationships of all the times your loved one has disappointed you? This can create a negative atmosphere that is difficult to overcome. If you expect someone to disappoint you, you will only focus on what they are doing wrong to prove you are right. The problem with this behavior is we miss-out on the good things our loved one is doing.

How Honesty Heals Addiction

Have you ever thought about what it truly means to be honest? Does how honest we are really affect the quality of our lives? Are there different types of honesty or is it a one size fits all concept? These are questions I’ve been pondering and discussing with clients recently that deserve attention to, because I have seen how having these answers for yourself can really help your understanding of the problems you face, especially when it comes to addiction.

The Impact of Trauma

While trauma has lasting effects and disrupts the lives of the people it touches, another truth about trauma is that there is hope.

Minimizing Prevents Healing

When we engage in minimizing our emotions, they don’t just go away. They are still there, slowly building up.

Does time heal all wounds?

The good thing is that trauma can be healed—the remedy just isn’t time. In order to truly heal, we need to retrain the nervous system so our bodies can begin to release the stored trauma.


When you understand why forgiveness is important, how to do it becomes a bit easier. Forgiveness is about you choosing to move forward.