Practicing Gratitude in Your Family

As the holidays season continues, one of the greatest gifts you can give your family is to strategically develop their sense of gratitude. Rather than having the focus be on presents or parties, you have an opportunity to help them turn their attention to others and to cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Cultivating Gratitude in Your Kids

Many parents today face a struggle in how to help their children develop a true sense of gratitude. Not just around the holidays, but throughout the rest of the year as well. One of the biggest ways to help your kids be grateful is to model gratitude yourself in your everyday life.

Emotion-Coaching Parents

Emotion-coaching parents are those who see their child’s emotional reaction as an opportunity to engage with them, honor the emotion, and coach them through the accurate and appropriate expression of the emotion – especially the negative ones.

Seven Tips for Co-Parenting

A child can easily get trapped in the war and conflict of two parents getting a divorce. Some thoughts of children caught between parental conflicts could be “I need to fix the problem,” or “I’m the reason they are fighting.” Neither of which are true from an adult perspective but children experience divorce much different than adults. The best gift you can give your child when divorcing their parent is to do so respectfully and peacefully in the child’s presence.

Stress, Self-Care, & Your Kids

stress, self-care, family

Practicing self care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors.

Postpartum Depression – Part 2

Postpartum depression is very common. Researchers estimate that between ten to twenty percent of women experience postpartum depression.

Encouragement for Single Parents

If you are a single parent, I want to encourage you to reach out for support from family and friends or even a trained therapist.