When Rest is Challenging

For some of us, it can be difficult to shut down our productivity mindset and rest. So what do we do if we suspect this drive to avoid rest has some unhealthy roots?

How to Rest

Rest: How to do it and strategies to achieve it! The key to each of these activities is to find the balance within yourself to enjoy, relaxing into the activity without striving or performing.

Goal Setting for the Real World

What if, instead of holding ourselves to insanely high standards and seeing anything short of that as a failure, we started goal-setting in realistic ways?

What if we celebrated our small successes as valid, gave ourselves props for any forward motion, and cut ourselves slack for the moments we’re less than perfect? How might that impact our long term success?

The Gift of Rest

Rest is required for regeneration of the body, regulation of emotions, renewing of the mind, and the refreshing of the spirit.

Many of us have exchanged the gift of rest for something else, some willingly and some not.

Do you sleep well?

Setting sleep as a priority will increase one’s ability to sleep well and perform the necessary tasks involved in the following day’s activities.

Why is it so difficult to rest?

For some of us, it can be difficult to shut down our productivity mindset and rest. So what do we do if we suspect this drive to avoid rest has some unhealthy roots?

Rest: How to do it and strategies to achieve it!

Rest: How to do it and strategies to achieve it! The key to each of these activities is to find the balance within yourself to enjoy, relaxing into the activity without striving or performing.

The Upside to Laziness

If you need justification to embrace laziness, know that by caring for yourself and resting, you are actually becoming more productive!

5 Ways to Integrate Silence Into Your Daily Routine

Integrate Silence Into Your Daily Routine

The hustle and bustle of our everyday world does not allow for much silence. Whether we are engaged in a conversation, listening to the radio or watching television, or hearing the hum of background noise in a crowded place, it is rare for us to find time in our day … Read More