Time for Change

One of the biggest challenges is recognizing when a change would be helpful. Here are a few things that may prompt you to consider a change.

Spring Cleaning

As we approach spring and the yearly urge to clean up, clear out, and purge from winter’s dust and doldrums, it’s helpful to think about the benefits of a Spring cleaning!

Coping with Change

Change can be really hard to accept, especially when we don’t have any choice in the matter. Here are a few tips to make the change feel easier!

Changing Our Mind

How we think affects our choices, and our choices impact our behaviors. Our behaviors in turn determine our lives. By applying simple mindfulness techniques, we might find that a change of mind can be our best friend.

Does Your Life Have Vision?

Our identity can very easily become wrapped up in the things we do. 

And then there always comes a day when we find ourselves completely over-committed. We are totally exhausted and hating tasks that we willingly commit to.

Four Tips for Setting Goals

We are not very good at achieving the goals we set for ourselves because we are not very good at setting attainable goals.

Make Your Resolutions Stick

Here are some tips that will help you set a resolution that you are more likely to stick to throughout this year.

Imperfectly Fine

It is also essential that we tell ourselves that while we can always do our best, we are imperfectly fine.