The Power of Gratitude


Gratitude and appreciation can be healing and increase your overall happiness. Research by psychologists recently has found that intentionally incorporating thankfulness into your life causes an improvement in mood and well-being. It’s a shift in the way you see things, and changes you from a glass half empty to a glass half full person. It sounds overly simplistic, but it really works.

Kindness & Honesty

When we combine honesty and kindness, we can develop a more empathetic understanding of others and have healthier relationships because we would have a more authentic and deeper connection.

Safe People to Trust

Safe people connect with us in a way that is authentic and present, giving us the abilty to establish trust in the relationship and person.

Trust: Do I Attract Unsafe People?

It is typically hard for us to look within, but improving character discernment can be a game changer in your relationships and ability to trust.

Staples of Meaningful Friendships

friendship, friend

When life is busy and full, but friendships are an important part of life…how do we juggle it? How do we stay close and connected?

Fear and Our View of the Future

How does fear affect our view of the future? Now is the time to find your voice, your priorities, and line them up with your life values.

After School Meltdowns

back to school, meltdowns, after school

An after-school meltdown may be your child releasing their pent up mental, physical and emotional energy after a full day of needing to exercise a lot of self-control.

Managing Fears – Part 2

fear, managing fears

A good way to manage fear responses is to maintain regular, consistent self-care practices when we are not in fearful situations.

Laughter as a Coping Strategy


In these seasons and more broadly in general, incorporating humor as a coping strategy can bring some positive color back into daily life.

Give Yourself Some Self-Compassion

As a new mother, increasing self-compassion can go a long way in mitigating the negative outcomes associated with anxiety and overwhelm.