Changing Our Mind

How we think affects our choices, and our choices impact our behaviors. Our behaviors in turn determine our lives. By applying simple mindfulness techniques, we might find that a change of mind can be our best friend.

The Cost of Making too Many Decisions

Decision Fatigue

Have you noticed the end of the day is when you are more likely to make the impulsive online purchase, send the angry text, or stop by the fast-food restaurant on your way home? It could be that you are experiencing decision fatigue. Our ability to make good decisions is … Read More

Tips for Developing Confidence in Children: Part 1


Self-confidence is essential for all aspects of healthy human development, especially in the development of children. Confidence makes children more likely to be resilient and to pursue individuality, and less likely to develop emotional problems later in life. They learn more, achieve more and are generally all around happier in life. … Read More