Give Intangible Gifts for the Holidays

The holidays are the perfect time of the year for advertisers to target and attract us, the consumers, to spend lots of money buying “tangible” gifts—gifts that have a physical presence and can be touched. Many of these tangible gifts consist of expensive electronics, clothing, appliances, jewelry, and even cars. These are nice gifts to give and receive. But “intangible” gifts—gifts that have no physical presence and can’t be touched—can truly change the quality of your life and can be the best gifts you can ever give and receive.

Navigating the Challenges and Anxieties of Junior Year

Junior year of high school is a time of change and decision-making. High school is coming to an end, and teens must begin to make choices about what they will do after high school. Along with the stress of increased workloads and of making choices about future careers, teens must also manage the increased freedom that junior year brings.

Celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month! It is a special time to spread awareness of this developmental disability. More importantly it is a time to celebrate the abilities and accomplishments of individuals with Down syndrome. This is a very important month for me personally because my younger sister has Down syndrome.

Four Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Ebola

The current Ebola outbreak is all over the media right now. It is an unfamiliar disease to the United States, and many people are fearful about Ebola spreading any further than it has. Even if you are not discussing it at home as a family, chances are your children are still hearing about it through conversations with their peers or around their schools. Children process information about a potential threat very differently than adults do.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Primer

We hear the term ADHD all the time but don’t necessarily know much about it. Here’s some basic information to help you have a better understanding and maybe even determine if your child or someone you know should be evaluated.

Managing the Back to School Blues

Back to school can be a difficult time of transition for both parents and kids. Here are some ideas for helping your kids (and yourself) through this time.

New School Year; New Routines

With the start of a new school year comes new routines. Here are some tips for implementing those routines well… with less stress for you and your kids.

Understanding Your Teen: Privilege Problems

Q: Can teens of caring parents with most needs & wants met and plenty of opportunities at their disposal experience unhappiness, disconnection, and mental illness?

A: In short, absolutely YES. And actually, according to recent studies, they appear to have a higher risk of experiencing these symptoms.