Dr. Philip Hammel is a clinical psychologist who specializes working with adult professionals. His clients tend to be motivated for personal growth in their career development as well wanting to be more in tune with their emotions and relationships. He believes everyone can create better work-life balances and be more at peace with themselves. He will work with his clients to tap into their strengths and inner wisdom so that they can be effective communicators and lead successful and fulfilled lives.
Dr. Hammel has a warm and easy-going nature that can create positive therapeutic alliances between himself and his clients. He is a naturally curious individual who values collaborative dialogue. He wants to understand how his clients see themselves and the chaotic nature of the world we live in. He will pose various questions and topics that are relevant to his clients. These can aid in self-discovery and paths towards improved self-care, better relationships, and cognitive flexibility. During sessions he will also incorporate and welcome aspects of pop culture such as song lyrics, podcast topics, and blogs covering mental health or self-care. Occasionally he will share his love of soccer and being a father and welcomes learning about his client’s passions and the roles they play in their lives. He believes a strong therapeutic relationship supports successful treatment outcomes.
He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology (Psy.D.) from the California School of Professional Psychology in 2011 and became licensed in 2013. He is licensed in 32 states through a PSYPACT license, as well as in California where he did his graduate education and training.
Dr. Hammel made the transition to telehealth therapy during the pandemic in 2020 and has continued with video sessions due to finding the many benefits this modality provides, especially for work from home individuals.