Stephen Barber
Specializations: Depression/Anxiety, Addiction, Bullying and Self-Esteem, Men's Issues, Spirituality, Grief and Trauma Recovery

Stephen holds a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Richmont Graduate University with a certificate in Trauma Counseling.  Stephen is committed to providing a safe place for clients to be heard and supported as they struggle with life and relationships. Stephen appreciates the importance of offering assistance that is culturally informed; he works from a multi-cultural perspective to provide clients with both culturally sensitive and relevant.

Recognizing how thoroughly trauma and abuse can infiltrate all areas of life, Stephen uses his experience working with trauma to help individuals with a number of concerns including: depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, porn and sex addiction, bullying and self-esteem, men’s issues, spirituality, grief, and trauma recovery.

In addition to his work with individuals, Stephen has experience working with couples and families; he believes strongly in the relational healing potential of counseling. Stephen is passionate about the power of counseling to change lives and is honored to walk with his clients on their journey.