Intuitive Eating: What is it?

You may or may not have heard of “intuitive eating.”

It’s a term coined by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch in their book Intuitive Eating: a Revolutionary Program That Works, first published in 1995.

Many clients ask me what it is exactly. Intuitive eating is very easy to define: eating when you are hungry and stopping eating when you are full. Sounds so basic, right? Well, not so much.

Social Media Really Does Make You Feel Connected

Social media has exploded over the past decade and has become an essential way of staying informed and connected to others on a global level. Many of your friends, family members, and business contacts thrive within this platform due to its accessibility and range to reach others. Facebook’s statistics alone show 12% of our global population are users.

Learning to Relax

Teaching yourself to relax amidst the various stressors in life is a skill worth investing both the time and energy. We might think we are relaxing when we are actually holding onto tension.

The Fat Shaming of Women

Have you heard the term “fat shaming”? You can probably ascertain what the term means without an explanation; however, it can be subtle and is so common in our culture that you may overlook it when it happens.

The Landscape of Loss

We are a society that loves to acquire. So when loss comes (as it inevitably will) we find ourselves generally ill-equipped to respond.

The Growing Parent: Trauma in the Media (Part 4)

Ultimately, the responsibility for appropriate communication lies on the shoulders of the adult. Being conscious not to color our language with a multitude of descriptions and information can go a long way when talking to our children

Pro Sports Wives: Is Venting on Social Media Wise?

Social media can definitely be a positive, constructive outlet for pro sports wives to support their husbands and their team, promote philanthropic projects, and to connect with other pro sports wives. Throughout your husband’s career—with its many ups and downs—it can be very tempting to vent via social media.

A Chart Can’t Determine Your Ideal Weight

Look at any height and weight chart and more than likely, you will find yourself outside of the “ideal” weight. It is not like a bell curve at all – there is such a tiny section of ideal weight.