Being Present With Grief

Grief is best served when witnessed by a loving presence.  This is the ointment needed to soothe the wounds of a grieving person, according to renowned grief specialist, David Kessler. Just being present with grief means more than we know.

Grief That Doesn’t Fit In: Part 2

If you have experienced a grief that is disenfranchised or if you recognize that others in your life may have, it is vital to find a way to make space for open mourning.

Often, when grief is disenfranchised, it is a result of beliefs about the way things should work and how people are supposed to relate to their world.

Grief That Doesn’t Fit In: Part 1

Disenfranchised grief is the category that covers grief that doesn’t have a socially accepted place to be recognized or expressed.

Basically, it is grief that people feel they have to hide because others won’t understand it, will dismiss it as trivial, or may actually get angry about.

Let’s Get Outside!

Playing outside can help stimulate cognitive functioning, foster resilience, release endorphins, and increase an appreciation for nature.

Time for Change

One of the biggest challenges is recognizing when a change would be helpful. Here are a few things that may prompt you to consider a change.

Spring Cleaning

As we approach spring and the yearly urge to clean up, clear out, and purge from winter’s dust and doldrums, it’s helpful to think about the benefits of a Spring cleaning!

Does Your Life Have Vision?

Our identity can very easily become wrapped up in the things we do. 

And then there always comes a day when we find ourselves completely over-committed. We are totally exhausted and hating tasks that we willingly commit to.

Beating the Winter Blues

There are things that can help make winter more manageable. Check out these helpful tips to get you through this season!