Evidence of Growth

For several consecutive years I have planted an evergreen tree in my yard.  What I have learned is that trees labeled slow growing actually live up to that expectation.  One tree has finally grown to the astounding height of – my waist (a mere six years after planting).  Every year, those few inches of growth have been steady and the process is painstakingly slow and only evident after the fact.  Another tree, planted only last year was labeled fast growing.  It has surpassed the slow growing tree in one year – close to doubling in size.

People grow at different rates too and sometimes we have events in our lives which force us to grow in ways that are unexpected.  Sometimes the events may feel devastating and often push us into a place where we are willing to look intently at our lives.  This has the potential to begin a time of growth and change, but sometimes it is much later before we even recognize the growth and the label would probably read: slow growingTake some time to look for evidence of growth in your life.  Sometimes it may not be apparent until you begin to look closely.


Marlayne Whitlock, LAPC
mwhitlock@ GROWcounseling.com