Living In The Details

Have you ever tried to be a detailed individual when you’re a big picture person? It’s not easy, but it can be done. Details to a big picture person are the annoying little inconveniences that just seem to get in the way of the project. It’s like saying “Let someone else take care of them, I’ve got work to do. I’m trying to create something here.” However, details are important. Remember Apollo 13, some of you are probably thinking, NO I don’t! Well it was a spacecraft that was supposed to land on the Moon. Unfortunately, it developed some issues preventing it from doing so. One of those problems was that on board too much carbon monoxide was developing and those at NASA needed to come up with an idea or else the astronauts would die. The big picture guys needed to create a picture from small details, or others would lose their lives.


How important it was for those guys to get it right. Not only get it right, but to do it quick. That showed many how significant it was to be able to think in detail. Planning for some things can’t always be done. That’s why it’s helpful to allow oneself to expand their abilities within their own personality. Instead of saying “no, I can’t, be able to say “well I’ll at least give it a try.” It’s not easy, but it can be done. For the sake of others we need at times to be willing to think in the details, understand the facts and make decisions. Always living in the big picture isn’t helpful. Having insight is key.


We derive benefit from others who are different from ourselves. However, we also need to be able to grow from within. This growth provides objective viewpoints that can incorporate both big picture ideas as well as the intricate details that help sustain the overall perspective. If we can create big picture ideas from the details of life we are more apt to provide others the capabilities to live within their own.