Here is a list of ways to help manage grief during the holidays- a time that may be particularly hard when dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Getting the Sleep You Deserve
Choosing to prioritize your sleep is vital to your health, especially in a culture that overemphasizes the value of work.
When Rest is Challenging
For some of us, it can be difficult to shut down our productivity mindset and rest. So what do we do if we suspect this drive to avoid rest has some unhealthy roots?
How to Rest
Rest: How to do it and strategies to achieve it! The key to each of these activities is to find the balance within yourself to enjoy, relaxing into the activity without striving or performing.
Exploring Gratitude
I was doing some nerdy reading recently and stumbled on a scholarly publication called “The Journal of Happiness Studies.” Yes, please! Basically these scholars review and approve articles all related to Happiness. Turns out study after study has been done to try to break the code on how to make us happier.
Gratitude is Good for Your Health
This always makes me think about how gratitude shows up in my everyday life. When I am really serious about being grateful the things that come up are my family, my health, and the connections I have. So, why do I spend so much of my time focused on other things?
The Definition of Gratitude
We often interchange the words “thankfulness” and “gratitude”. And while they are related in definition, if we look closer, we can see a few differences.
The Power of Gratitude
Gratitude and appreciation can be healing and increase your overall happiness. Research by psychologists recently has found that intentionally incorporating thankfulness into your life causes an improvement in mood and well-being. It’s a shift in the way you see things, and changes you from a glass half empty to a glass half full person. It sounds overly simplistic, but it really works.
Five Ways to Maintain Trust in Your Significant Relationships
Because trust is a cornerstone element, it’s important to evaluate and know where you stand with your partner with regard to trust and to intentionally work to strengthen trust.
Kindness & Honesty
When we combine honesty and kindness, we can develop a more empathetic understanding of others and have healthier relationships because we would have a more authentic and deeper connection.