Gratitude Journaling: The Power of Being Grateful

Journaling is a well-known and widely used practical approach to gain insight and clarity by processing your emotions on paper. Over the past decade, gratitude journaling has gained popularity for its benefits, including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness among adults and kids.

Building a Better Brain

Therapy is a critical element in experiencing change. But we also believe that what our clients do with their time outside of therapy will either assist with or distract from their goals. In fact, studies are showing us that certain things we do and specific changes we make can literally change the “wiring” and composition of the brain.

Coping Skills vs Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are unconscious responses to overwhelming stress in our lives. Although they serve an important purpose, if left unchecked, protective instincts from defense mechanisms can inhibit the development of healthier coping skills. We are going to dive into two common defense mechanisms: denial and regression. Denial One of our … Read More

Laughter as a Coping Strategy


In these seasons and more broadly in general, incorporating humor as a coping strategy can bring some positive color back into daily life.

Changing an Unhealthy Coping Mechanism

coping, change

We all have ways of coping or have fallen into bad habits, even addictions. You may have decided you want to change. But most likely you have found that actually changing just is not as easy as making the decision to do so. Change is hard for most of us.

Coping with Challenges

We all have to cope at some point in our lives. When things are hard and challenging, we need to be able to respond in a way that is healthy and positive. Here are nine things you can do to respond to the challenges of life. When Should I Seek … Read More

Give Yourself Some Self-Compassion

As a new mother, increasing self-compassion can go a long way in mitigating the negative outcomes associated with anxiety and overwhelm.

Compassionate Self-Discipline

compassion, self-discipline

Self-compassion and discipline.
These two concepts are often seen as opposing ideas, something we have to choose between. It is easy to feel this way, especially if we are used to being motivated by shame or punishment.

Benefits of Compassion

Compassion is about being able to get outside of oneself and feel for someone else. There are also some great benefits that are side effects from being able to have compassion for another person.