The Dating Coach Answers: How Do I Date During the Holidays?

Maybe you’ve just met someone who seems very promising. Or maybe you’ve been casually dating a new love interest for a few weeks or months. The holiday season approaches and you wonder where the “relationship” stands. This time of the year naturally brings some pressure and expectations with it. You would love to be in a comfortable dating relationship where you know what to expect between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but, unfortunately, you’re not quite there yet. What to do?

Pro Sports Wives: Creating Home for the Holidays

As a former pro sports wife myself, I recall the times when I was away from home for the holidays traveling with my husband abroad. I remember feeling isolated, lonely and very much missing my family members and our family holiday traditions. I remember the importance of embracing relationships with other pro sports wives for a sense of connection and community. Whether you’re temporarily located overseas or even in a new U.S. city, I believe the things I learned from my own experiences can help you.

Exploring Gratitude: What We’re Thankful For


We thought it would be fun to put together a list of things that we are thankful for. It’s an exercise we often suggest to clients to broaden their view point, and help hold onto the good things in their life. We put a spin on it this time though – we made a list that didn’t include any serious things….like air, health, or life. These are just the things that we are thankful for that make life sparkle!

Pro Sports Wives: Protect Yourself from Domestic Violence and Abuse

The reality is that 1 in 3 of YOU are affected by this growing epidemic among male athletes. It is important that you are equipped with not only knowledge but resources to protect yourself and others from domestic violence and abuse. Most women fear their abuser and thus fear reporting the abuse or telling a close friend or family member. Staying in an abusive relationship WILL have a devastating impact on your life as well as the lives of your children.

Friends and Connectedness: How Do I Find a BFF???

“I don’t seem to have any close friends and I’m lonely.”

I seem to hear this a lot from other women, and I’ve felt this way myself. As I have gone through various stages of my life, I’ve noticed that my friendships change: when I moved, when I changed jobs, when I went back to graduate school to change careers, and especially when my marital status changed.

Pro Sports Wives: Signs of Domestic Abuse & Violence

But to give you an idea of statistics, in 2010 Jeff Benedict, an English professor at Southern Virginia University released a thorough examination of arrests of professional and college athletes within a 6 month period. He found that out of 125 athletes arrested, domestic violence cases accounted for nearly 20%.

Exploring Gratitude: Gratitude and Sparkle


I was doing some nerdy reading recently and stumbled on a scholarly publication called “The Journal of Happiness Studies.” Yes, please! Basically these scholars review and approve articles all related to Happiness. Turns out study after study has been done to try to break the code on how to make us happier.

After a Miscarriage: Suffering in Silence

For many individuals and couples, there is a shroud of secrecy around pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. For those struggling with infertility, this becomes an incredibly sensitive time in their lives. Unfortunately, most miscarriages take place in the first trimester, and for those grieving this overwhelming loss, it can be a very lonely time.

Pro Sports Wives: Keeping the Connection when Your Husband’s on the Road

If you have a pro athlete husband, you know it can be very difficult to keep the connection while he is on the road when his sport is in season. This time is usually extremely stressful for pro sports wives. It can be difficult to multi-task all of your responsibilities of being a full time mom and dad. It can be a time of insecurity, frustration, and unrealistic expectations to be a super woman in the absence of your husband’s presence and support. The truth is absence does not always make the heart grow fonder; it can be a harsh time of separation and marital conflict.

Exploring Gratitude: Gratefulness According to Webster

I confess – I’ve always had a secret love for the dictionary. I find language to be fascinating, care about the way that things are said, and appreciate the nuances in the choice of one word over another.

I found myself the other day thinking about how we have a tendency to interchange the words thankful and grateful. So I decided to do a little research and what I found really surprised me. It’s changed the way that I look at the idea of gratitude.