The Growing Parent: Finding Time as a Couple

“My wife and I have been married for 5 years and we have 2 young children together. I work 2 jobs and she works from home while taking care of our children. We never get any time as a couple anymore, and I’m afraid that once our children grow up we’ll be left wondering who each other is and why we are married…”

Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO): How is technology affecting us?

FOMO, also known as the “fear of missing out,” has become a common phrase in today’s conversations (or at least for the twenty-something age bracket). For those of you who are not in the loop, FOMO is a term people at times use in reference to their frustration at not being able to be two or three or eighteen different places at once. They even use it in reference to their anger and sadness that they are “missing out” because they were not invited to an event or social gathering of sorts.

The Dating Coach Answers: Why do I keep attracting the wrong types of people?

Are you in a cycle of attracting all the wrong types of people in your dating life? I seem to hear this from a lot of clients. They are meeting people and dating, but the relationships end up being unhealthy or mismatched. It can be so puzzling and frustrating. Breaking up is difficult and who wants to do that over and over?

The Growing Parent: Daily Report

“I work long hours everyday, and even though my children are homeschooled, I feel like I have no clue how they are doing. I just always assumed that by making the choice for our family to homeschool I would be much more involved in their lives…”

Body Image: The Struggle to Accept Myself as I Am Right Now

How often do you find yourself thinking some version of, “If I just lost a little weight, exercised more, ate a better diet, made a little more money, improved my health, had more inspiring work, lived in a nicer place, improved my relationships (or something else), then I’d be happy”?

Being a Supportive Friend: The DOs and DON’Ts

Regardless of your own experience, you CAN be a supportive friend to someone dealing with the possible end of a relationship. Whether it’s a break-up, separation, or a full-fledged divorce, they need friends to lean on in this difficult time.

Popping a Cork: A Lesson in Anger Management

One summer long ago, my sons were intrigued by the simple science of baking soda and vinegar shaken together in a bottle stopped with a cork. This experiment had been repeated many times over during the course of the summer, but it was not until we were sitting in the grandparent’s perfectly scrubbed kitchen that the illustration took on new meaning.

Why Are We Running?


There was an intensity to the movement that left no doubt the only thing to do was join in the crushing 400 meter dash. We, along with the other 200 people on the train, made it out to the sidewalk so quickly that you would have thought the last person on the platform was going to be shot. There we were, arm in arm, backpacks jostling, approaching near Olympic speeds hurling headlong down the ramp – and we had no idea why.

Barbie & Body Image: An Unrealistic Ideal (Part Two)

Barbie has been a popular toy for girls age 3-12 for over 50 years and has come to represent for many the perfect, ideal woman with her long blonde hair and slim body. However, if a woman really existed who had Barbie’s proportions, she would have a hard time walking on her size 3 feet and wouldn’t have room in her body for a full liver or full intestines. Furthermore, her long slim neck wouldn’t be able to hold up her huge head.