Addiction: Marlboro Man (Part 1 of 2)

A cowboy riding off into the distance. Independent, strong, capable. He doesn’t need anything or anyone. He can come against any terrain. Face any challenge that comes his way. He’s fearless. He’s the Marlboro Man.

Addiction: Facts & Figures

Is Alcoholism and Addiction a problem here in Atlanta? Here are some facts and figures for you on Alcoholism and Addiction, so maybe you can decide…

The Growing Parent: Anger & Finding a Solution

The sixth and final device I suggested was to take the time to talk through the situation and find a solution that is agreeable to both of you. As your children age, this concept will become more and more important. Having a history of open communication with your child will help to lay the groundwork for a positive experience throughout adolescence.

Dealing with Complaining Friends

listening to a friend complain

I have heard the question over and over again “What do I do about my friend when all she does is complain about things”. When you have a friend who likes to complain about their life, it can be emotionally draining and put you in a negative funk with them.

Relationships: The Law of Diminishing Returns

Economics. I make no claim to be an expert on the subject. However, I do know enough about the concept of diminishing returns to see it play out in other areas of life. It happens when a continued effort does not create the desired result.

The Growing Parent: Anger & Assertiveness

Assertiveness can be very difficult at times, but in all relationships the ability to communicate assertively lowers the likelihood of misunderstandings. Communicating with our children is no different. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to tell someone exactly what you want from him or her when you’re frustrated, so this often takes a tremendous amount of effort.

But You Don’t Look Sick: Dealing with Chronic Illness

If you suffer from a chronic illness, physical condition, or pain, you have probably heard some version of the phrase “but you don’t look sick” at one time or another. It’s frustrating and annoying to say the least. Those of us who live with a chronic health condition often find ourselves being misunderstood by others. They see us as looking normal and seem to find it hard to believe we are struggling physically.

Relationships: The Power of Wii ™

Wii ™. It’s not just a game console. It is also a powerful concept for couples. It may take you a few moments to catch it, but it is worth the effort of thinking about it.

The Growing Parent: Anger & Keeping Your Cool

Most of us have the tendency to say things we later regret when we are angry. Unfortunately, those that are the closest to us get the brunt of that more often than we would like.

Compassion: A Tale of Two Equals


In the recent best seller Daring Greatly, Brene’ Brown quotes Pema Chodron, “…Compassion is… a relationship between equals… Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity…”