
Perfectionism refers to one person’s thoughts and behaviors which are aimed at reaching excessively high and unrealistic goals. In other words, many perfectionists set themselves up for failure and unfortunately end up achieving much less than they could. Perfectionism actually blocks the path to success many times.

Learning How to Love Your Body

Taryn decided to learn to love her body mainly because she wanted to be able to pass down a healthy body image to her daughters. Studies have shown that if a mother has an unhealthy body image or disordered eating, this is very likely to affect her daughter.

Intuitive Eating: What is it?

You may or may not have heard of “intuitive eating.”

It’s a term coined by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch in their book Intuitive Eating: a Revolutionary Program That Works, first published in 1995.

Many clients ask me what it is exactly. Intuitive eating is very easy to define: eating when you are hungry and stopping eating when you are full. Sounds so basic, right? Well, not so much.

The Fat Shaming of Women

Have you heard the term “fat shaming”? You can probably ascertain what the term means without an explanation; however, it can be subtle and is so common in our culture that you may overlook it when it happens.

A Chart Can’t Determine Your Ideal Weight

Look at any height and weight chart and more than likely, you will find yourself outside of the “ideal” weight. It is not like a bell curve at all – there is such a tiny section of ideal weight.

A Healthy Weight is Your Ideal Weight

Many women think about their ideal weight as the lowest number they have achieved in their dieting instead of choosing a healthy weight based on reality. The trouble with this thinking is that if your weight-loss goal is too low to maintain, you are likely going to get caught in the cycle of what is known as yo-yo dieting.

The Ideal Weight: Past versus Present

Most women have a number in their minds. This number is the ideal weight they struggle to achieve and/or maintain throughout their lives. They carry it deep within themselves, and there is often longing as they describe that perfect weight.