Vacation and Your Mental Health

vacation, your mental health

Vacations help to alleviate stress. When someone is under chronic stress, it begins to take a toll his or her physical and mental health. Taking a vacation has the ability to break the cycle of chronic stress.

Self-Care vs Zoning Out

self-care vs zoning out

What is the difference between self-care and zoning out? One leaves us feeling energized and refreshed. The other…not so much.

Self-Care: What Exactly Does It Mean?

Ultimately, self-care is more than just taking one hour for yourself when you have a slow day at work. It’s the self-awareness of knowing what things in life are life-giving to you, and fiercely protecting time in your schedule for those things.

The Stages of Grief

The stages of grief are not meant to be prescriptive, but rather a descriptive tool to help our minds understand what the abstract term “grief” tangibly may look and feel like.

Grief and Joy

grieving well means having resilience for feeling the pain, but also knowing that you are okay, that you will make it through, and, as a result, that you will experience both immense pain and immense joy.

Being Present With Grief

Grief is best served when witnessed by a loving presence.  This is the ointment needed to soothe the wounds of a grieving person, according to renowned grief specialist, David Kessler. Just being present with grief means more than we know.

A Mindset of Successful Grieving

It is not a question of whether we will experience loss and pain; it is a question of when. Although grief is unavoidable, it does provide options.  We can choose to face mourning with the mindset of grieving successfully.

Letting Go of Understanding

Have you ever experienced a traumatic or extremely disappointing event in your life? Maybe you lost a loved one or special friend unexpectantly; or a significant relationship ended and you were devastated. Often times, we seek to understand the purpose of these painful events. We may have many unanswered questions about the hurtful event.

Grief That Doesn’t Fit In: Part 2

If you have experienced a grief that is disenfranchised or if you recognize that others in your life may have, it is vital to find a way to make space for open mourning.

Often, when grief is disenfranchised, it is a result of beliefs about the way things should work and how people are supposed to relate to their world.